Josephine TEY (a.k.a. Gordon DAVIOT) -- pseudonyms of Elizabeth MacKINTOSH (1896-1952)
Inspector Grant
The Man in the Queue (1929)--Text--ZIP [Gordon Daviot]
A Shilling for Candles (1936)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
The Franchise Affair (1949)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey] (cameo role for Inspector Grant)
To Love and Be Wise (1950)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
The Daughter of Time (1951)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
The Singing Sands (1952)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
Other works
Kif--An Unvarnished History (1929)----Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
The Expensive Halo (1931)--Text--ZIP [Gordon Daviot]
Richard of Bordeaux (1932)--Play--Text--ZIP--HTML [Gordon Daviot]
Miss Pym Disposes (1947)--Text--ZIP--HTML [Josephine Tey]
Brat Farrar (1949)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
The Privateer (1952)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]