Inverness Royal Academy - Tey was a former pupil of this school
Inverness Royal Academy
Inverness Royal Academy
Rhoda Anstey (Middle), founder of Anstey Physical Training College, surrounded by her staff.
Pupils at The Anstey Physical Training College
Josephine Tey was a pupil here from 1914-1917
Pupils at Anstey Physical Training College
Pupils at Anstey Physical Training College
Josephine Tey - Sleuthing into the Mystery of History, by Jonathan Yardley
Interesting article about Tey and about The Daughter of Time.
Richard III Society - American Branch
The Mystery of Josephine Tey
Rhoda Anstey
Website about Rhoda Anstey, the founder of Anstey Physical Training College.
Interesting article about Josephine Tey's works
Excellent article about Tey's works in 10 Women of Mystery, by Nancy Ellen Talburt ed. Earl F. Bargainnier, USA 1981.  pp. 40-76
Josephine Tey reviewed at Ex Libris Reviews
Josephine Tey's detective fiction reviewed at this site
Grumpy Old Bookman
Well informed critique of 'The Franchise Affair' and 'Brat Farrar'.
Mystery Net
Josephine Tey at Mystery Net - "Josephine Tey - A Readers' Favorite for More Than Half a Century" by Charles L.P. Silet
Queens of Crime
Interesting blog about Josephine Tey and her novels

Wikireadia Book Search
Great site for searching for books
Josephine Tey - Find a Grave

Old Time TV & Radio .
Fab site for all those difficult to find old TV and Radio Shows.  The mini series of Brat Farrar is available from this site.
The Cowdray Club at 20 Cavendish Square, London W1G ORN - a professional Women's Club of which Josephine Tey was a member..  It is now the Royal College of Nursing.
The Cowdray Club
The Singing Sands
Read online for free
The Man in the Queue
Read online for free.
Brat Farrar
Read online for free.
Miss Pym Disposes
Read online for free
A Shilling for Candles
Read online for free.
To Love and be Wise
Read online for free
The Franchise Affair
Read online for free
P.D. James Talking about Detective
Fiction - Read online for free
Henry We Hardly Knew Ye!  - Rearrange Henry VII's Face

The Richard III Society
BBC News:  The King and I - Scots author who tackled Richard III's Reputation
Good article about Josephine Tey and 'The Daughter of Time' .
Additional site for Old Time TV and Radio.  Highly recommended..
Yvette's interesting Blog about 'The Singing Sands'
Excellent general site about Crime Novels - highly recommended.
Peggy Ann's Post
Interesting Blog Spot about Josephine Tey
Return to top of the Page
Josephine TEY (a.k.a. Gordon DAVIOT) -- pseudonyms of Elizabeth MacKINTOSH (1896-1952)

Inspector Grant

    The Man in the Queue (1929)--Text--ZIP [Gordon Daviot]
    A Shilling for Candles (1936)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
    The Franchise Affair (1949)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey] (cameo role for Inspector Grant)
    To Love and Be Wise (1950)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
    The Daughter of Time (1951)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
    The Singing Sands (1952)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]

Other works

    Kif--An Unvarnished History (1929)----Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
    The Expensive Halo (1931)--Text--ZIP [Gordon Daviot]
    Richard of Bordeaux (1932)--Play--Text--ZIP--HTML [Gordon Daviot]
    Miss Pym Disposes (1947)--Text--ZIP--HTML [Josephine Tey]
    Brat Farrar (1949)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]
    The Privateer (1952)--Text--ZIP [Josephine Tey]

Josephine Tey - Saint James Guide to Crime and Mystery Writers, 1996.
Natasha Cooper on Josephine Tey
Josephine Tey - Literary Agents and Managers of her Estate
The Detective Novel that convinced a Generation Richard III was not evil
Decades after her death, mystery still surrounds crime novelist Josephine Tey
Excellent article in Vanity Fair Magazine, October 2015
Revealed:  The Secret Life of Josephine Tey - the Highlands Crime Writing Queen hailed as a Whodunnit Genius
Good Mystery - Find a Good Murder.
Josephine Tey - The Successful Crime Author who led a Secretive Life
Miss Pym Disposes - Kate MacDonald Blog.
Stewartry Blog - Book Reviews & General Nonsense
Excellent Preview by Val McDermid of Jennifer Morag's Biography of Josephine Tey.  Required Reading for all Tey fans - highly recommended.
Excellent Review of The Daughter of Time by Manuel Navarro Vallaneuva (translate from the Spanish)
Tall Dark Stranger There - Jack Kelly